APR 6 The Time Travelers “The Time Travelers” (1964) is a science fiction film where a group of scientists, while testing a time-viewin...
The Time Travelers
“The Time Travelers” (1964) is a science fiction film where a group of scientists, while testing a time-viewing device, accidentally create a portal to the year 2071. They find themselves in a post-apocalyptic Earth, ravaged by nuclear war, and encounter a society of survivors planning to escape to a new planet. The scientists work against time to rebuild the portal and return to their own era as mutant humans threaten the survivors’ last hope for a future.
APR 13
Island of Terror
“Island of Terror” is a 1966 British horror film set on a remote island off the coast of Ireland. The community is terrorized by creatures known as silicates that attack and liquefy the bones of living creatures. A group of scientists, led by Dr. Brian Stanley and Dr. David West, investigate and struggle to eliminate the threat posed by these bone-dissolving monsters.
APR 20
The Wolf Man
“The Wolf Man” (1941) is a classic horror film about Larry Talbot, who returns to his ancestral home in Wales. After being bitten by a werewolf, he becomes cursed to transform into a wolf himself during the full moon. Despite his efforts to avoid harming others, he falls prey to the werewolf’s curse, leading to tragic consequences.
APR 27
Trilogy of Terror
“Trilogy of Terror” is a 1975 American made-for-television anthology horror film directed by Dan Curtis. It stars Karen Black in four roles across three segments, each based on short stories by Richard Matheson. The segments include:
- “Julie”: A college professor becomes the target of a student’s obsession and blackmail.
- “Millicent and Therese”: A tale of two sisters, one evil and one good, with a shocking family secret.
- “Amelia”: A woman is terrorized by a Zuni fetish doll that comes to life